The Aurora Borealis, shines a green colour above the Arctic Ocean, photographed from a ship at sea

Svolvaer lighthouse with The Fiskerkona (The Fisherman's Wife) sculpture in the Lofoten Islands, Norway, with fishing boat

Looking through a ship’s hatchway on deck to see a cook working in the galley below

Chequed curtains hang neatly over a ship’s porthole in the mess of a research vessel

Looking out through a ship’s porthole to see a stormy ocean outside

A rib drifts on the surface of the ocean, lit by moonlight with the crew lurking in the shadows

A figure at the ship’s rail, in silhouette gazes out over sea ice on the surface of the Arctic Ocean

A lamp glows in twilight, fixed to the fore mast on the bow of a ship at anchor, illuminating the deck.

The coast of the Lofoten Islands are seen framed through the eyepiece of a pair of binoculars.

Maunsell sea forts look ghostly as they rise above the calm waters in the Thames Estuary.

The wreck of the SS Nornen on Berrow Beach in North Somerset, nearly covered by the waves.

The Aurora Borealis, shines a green colour above the Arctic Ocean, photographed from a ship at sea
Svolvaer lighthouse with The Fiskerkona (The Fisherman's Wife) sculpture in the Lofoten Islands, Norway, with fishing boat
Looking through a ship’s hatchway on deck to see a cook working in the galley below
Chequed curtains hang neatly over a ship’s porthole in the mess of a research vessel
Looking out through a ship’s porthole to see a stormy ocean outside
A rib drifts on the surface of the ocean, lit by moonlight with the crew lurking in the shadows
A figure at the ship’s rail, in silhouette gazes out over sea ice on the surface of the Arctic Ocean
A lamp glows in twilight, fixed to the fore mast on the bow of a ship at anchor, illuminating the deck.
The coast of the Lofoten Islands are seen framed through the eyepiece of a pair of binoculars.
Maunsell sea forts look ghostly as they rise above the calm waters in the Thames Estuary.
The wreck of the SS Nornen on Berrow Beach in North Somerset, nearly covered by the waves.