
Check back here for future shows and if you're a gallery interested in showing any of the work on this site, please get in contact. Below are some recent shows to give you an idea of what the work can look like on the walls.

Exhibition at the Architectural Association London

This exhibition was hosted by the Architectural Association at their Georgian building in London's Bloomsbury. It was part of a larger project called Frozen Relic, where architectural practice Scanlab recreated icebergs which melted slowly in an adjacent room. The sea ice project was printed to make 1.5 metre long pieces which were hung on the walls of this beautiful space. 


Canon Norway corporate headquarters

This installation was commissioned by Canon Norway as part of a major redesign of its corporate headquarters outside Oslo. The pieces were incorporated into the walls, glass screens and panels inside meeting rooms. The photographs were chosen from stories which had been made in the Norwegian sector of the Arctic.


Previous exhibitions

Here are some of the locations where exhibitions have been held in the past:

• Darwin Museum, Moscow 2014 (solo)
• Headquarters (Inc boardroom) Canon Norway, Oslo 2014 (solo)
• Look3 photo festival (film), Charlottesville 2013 (group screening)
• Architectural Association, London 2013 (solo)
• Asociation of Photographers, London 2012 (group)
• Helsinki City Library, Finland 2012. (solo)
• Galleri Duerr, Stockholm 2012 (group)
• Fotografiska (digital room), Stockholm 2012 (group)
• Stockholm Parliament 2011 (solo)
• Sydney Botanic Gardens 2011 (group)
• Little Black Gallery, London, 2010 (group)
• Visa Pour L’image, Perpignan, France, 2010 (solo projection)
• World Press Photo, touring 2010 (group)
• Tromsø University 2010 (solo)
• Rotunda Capitol Hill, Washington 2009 (solo)
• Korean Cutural Centre, London 2009 (group)
• Foto8 Summer Show, London 2008 (group)
• PhotoVoice Auction, London 2007 (group)
• Montreal Science Centre 2006 (solo)
• European Parliament, touring 2006 (group)
• Glastonbury Festival of the Performing Arts 2000 (solo)
• Hereford Photographic Festival, 2000 (solo)